Feb 24, 2010

FAQ to Renne: What does your closet look like?

Question: What does your closet look like?

Answer: People often ask me this question about my closet after seeing me in various outfits. Most of the time they answer their own question correctly. "Is it all lined up in rainbow order?" Pretty much, yes! I like to line up colors by inside out spectrum order: Yellow, Orange, Coral, Red, Magenta, Pink, Purple, Blue, Cyan, and Green.

This photo is of my tops section, kind of squish to fit in my square photo format. There are a few tops (very few!) next to the magenta you can’t see: purple, cyan, green, multi-colored and even black. Then the skirts and dresses are in color-coded order as well on the other side of the closet.

With this closet layout, it is easy to pick out colored outfits for the day to suit my mood or the particular message I need to deliver.

What does your closet look like?